Can journalism change the world?
21st century. The century of new discoveries and modern technology. World progress knows no boundaries, and humanity does not stand still, developing more and more every day in new areas and improving in old ones. Journalism has been an important aspect of social life for many centuries, and in this information age, it plays almost the most important role in people’s lives. This begs the question, “Can journalism change the world? I believe that it can. I will now try to prove it.
Journalism is an important component of any human day. When people wake up in the morning, they pick up their phone almost immediately. Whether they go on social media or check their email is not really important, because on any of these resources you can read what happened in the country and the world while they were asleep. Internet journalism gives a person a huge scope in the choice of news topics to read. Everyone can find interesting content for themselves on the Internet. A large number of online newspapers now have their own smartphone apps with the function of alerting people to any of the most important events of the day or hour, allowing people to stay informed despite their location or lack of time to read large articles. When a person sits down to breakfast, he usually turns on the television, while watching which he can appreciate the professionalism of TV journalists. On the way to work almost everyone likes to listen to the radio, through which one can learn the news, listen to an interview with a famous personality or simply enjoy music.
The older generation chooses newspapers or other print media to stay up-to-date, for example reading the latest news, finding out the weather forecast for the week or watching what time their favorite TV show is on. Throughout the day, in one way or another, we are confronted with journalism, no longer noticing it and cannot imagine our life without it.
I have noticed that in today’s world people are divided into two types: one type thinks that journalism is harmful for society because it teaches people to think in a uniform way and not to stand out from the crowd, and the other type thinks that journalism is not only necessary but also insanely important for people. Although it is impossible to reach a consensus on this issue, I can still say that there are more and more people of the second type every day. Perhaps this is due to the fact that journalism is changing the world? After all, it is not for nothing that the media are called the “fourth branch of government. They have a huge impact on people’s opinions. For instance, the way journalists tell about a country will determine people’s attitude towards it.
I think being a journalist is a great responsibility. A word, like a weapon, can either save or kill. So it is important that the media can make good use of the influence it has on people so as to change the world for the better. For example, by agitating to reject lies in their lives, to protect the environment and to try to help those in need. Yet, can journalism change the world? The answer is simple. Close your eyes and imagine a world without journalism. Do you see anything? I don’t.